
SEO Writing: 12 Tips for Creating SEO-Optimised Content

SEO writing entails crafting content to boost its visibility on search engines such as Google for specific keywords. This includes tailoring your content according to target keywords, ensuring its relevance and usefulness to readers, and aiding search engines in comprehending the subject matter of your content. Crafting SEO-optimised content enhances the user experience on your website and ensures that your audience can effortlessly discover the information they seek. 

SEO- optimised content: 

  • Fosters trust among your audience
  • Establishes your organisation’s authority in the industry
  • Improves overall user experience 
  • Boosts on-site conversions.

We understand that crafting content entails considering numerous crucial factors, with SEO optimization being just one. Therefore, we’ve compiled this guide with 12 essential tips for creating SEO- optimised content, focusing on why SEO writing is significant and how to refine your skills.

Why Do You Need SEO Optimised Content for Your Website?

Writing with SEO in mind is crucial as it enables you to connect with a broader audience interested in your content. SEO-optimised content drives valuable website traffic, attracting individuals with the highest potential for conversion to your site. This increased visibility and accessibility offer numerous advantages. Consequently, crafting content with SEO considerations increases the likelihood of your content being discovered on Google.

12 Tips for Creating SEO-Optimised Content

  1. Search your Focus Keyword

Before beginning to write, it’s crucial to determine the primary keyword, the leading term or phrase around which the content will be optimised. This keyword should be: 

  • relevant to the content, 
  • have a reasonable search volume, and
  • be within the ranking capabilities

Choosing the right primary keyword increases the likelihood of the content appearing in search results when someone searches for that term or phrase in Google.

Find your Secondary Keywords

When you have a primary keyword to target, it’s crucial to identify secondary keywords. These secondary keywords are closely associated with your primary keyword and may include synonyms, related subtopics, or specific long-tail variations. Utilising secondary keywords is vital for several reasons:

  • They enhance your chances of ranking for a broader range of keywords, not just the primary ones.
  • They are generally easier to rank than the primary keywords, which may face stiff competition.

There exist two methods to find out the relevant secondary keywords for your website: 

  1. They are listed close to their primary keyword options 

To discover secondary keywords using the Keyword Magic Tool, start by checking if your primary keyword is grouped on the left-hand side. If it is, click on the group to reveal related keywords. These closely related variations of your primary keyword serve as excellent secondary keywords for targeting your content.

  1. You can find them through the “Questions” tab 

You can discover additional keywords by accessing the “Questions” tab on the screen’s left side. This feature provides a list of inquiries related to your topic that people are currently asking.

  1. Satisfy Search Intent

After identifying your keywords, ensure the content you produce meets search intent, which is why users search for those keywords.  Primary and secondary keywords for blog posts often indicate informational intent, meaning users seek to learn about a topic. To effectively educate them, choose the appropriate content format. 

Common formats include how-to guides, list posts, step-by-step tutorials, definition posts, and comparison posts.

 Analyse the top-ranking pages on Google to determine which format suits your topic best.

  1. Create Quality Content

Effective SEO writing revolves around prioritising quality content. No matter how much you optimise, your rankings won’t improve without quality.

However, what is quality content?

Quality content is content that meets specific criteria:

  • It accurately presents information.
  • It offers valuable insights or benefits to your audience.
  • It stands out as original and unique, setting it apart from other content.
  • It actively engages and interacts with the audience, encouraging participation and response.

How do you create quality content?

Creating high-quality content requires careful attention to detail and expertise, especially in health/medical advice, legal matters, financial planning, or news/current events. Google upholds strict standards for content in these areas due to its potential impact on readers’ lives. 

Collaborating with qualified professionals, such as health experts, ensures content creation accuracy, value, and originality. 

This approach builds trust with the audience and establishes credibility and expertise in the respective niche. Working with experts is essential to avoid misinformation and ensure that content meets the highest standards of quality and reliability.

  1. Keywords Placement 

Crafting content with carefully integrated keywords is crucial for Google’s understanding and subsequent ranking of your material. However, a pivotal aspect to bear in mind is the avoidance of keyword stuffing at all costs. 

This practice hampers readability and raises red flags for search engine algorithms. 

Thus, the key lies in weaving keywords naturally into the fabric of your content, ensuring its relevance without compromising its quality. By adhering to this principle, you can enhance your message’s clarity and its visibility in search engine results.

  1. Structure Content with Subheadings

Subheadings, ranging from H2 to H6, serve as concise titles that segment your content into easily digestible sections. They are crucial in enhancing your website’s SEO performance by providing a clear structure for search engines and readers.

Hence, it is essential to note that:

  • Streamline your content for better readability and understanding.
  • Seamlessly integrate keywords and related terms for a natural flow.
  • Facilitate effortless information retrieval for users, enhancing their experience.

Crafting compelling content requires careful structuring. Begin by formulating a captivating title that prominently features your main keyword, which will serve as the H1 heading. Subsequently, the subsequent content will be delineated with pertinent H2 subheadings, followed by further categorization with H3 subheadings, and so forth. This hierarchical organisation ensures clarity and enhances readability for your audience.

  1.   Enhance the Readability 

Ensuring high readability is crucial for effective SEO-optimised content. It gauges how easily your audience comprehends your content. If your writing is challenging to understand, readers will quickly exit your page, possibly never returning.

To enhance readability, follow these key steps:

  • Keep your sentences and paragraphs concise.
  • Use straightforward language to ensure comprehension across all readers.
  • Incorporate visuals such as images, infographics, or videos to enrich your content.
  • Utilise bullet points and numbered lists for presenting information clearly and efficiently.
  1. Incorporate Internal Links

Internal links serve as pathways within your website, guiding readers to additional valuable and pertinent content. These links are crucial in SEO because they spread link equity and enhance your pages’ ranking potential. 

Ensure that the anchor text, representing clickable links, directly relates to the content it leads to when incorporating internal links. Also, the links should be highly relevant, only incorporating them where they seamlessly integrate with the content. Avoid indiscriminately scattering links; instead, prioritise their inclusion where they naturally enhance the reader’s understanding.

  1. Optimise Your Content for Featured Snippets

Harness the potential of Google’s featured snippets for your primary and secondary keywords to amplify your online presence significantly. These valuable featured snippets present direct responses curated by Google, often comprising paragraphs, lists, or tables. Leveraging them effectively can dramatically enhance your visibility in search results.

Method to develop perfect Snippets 

Search Keywords: Begin by searching for your keywords on Google.

Analyse Snippets: Identify snippet types and content formats.

Understand Intent: Grasp user needs behind the queries.

Optimise Content: Refine content to match snippet preferences.

Understanding the key elements that attract Google and users is essential for enhancing your content and securing featured snippets. By grasping these aspects, you can optimise your content effectively to rank higher for featured snippets.

  1. Develop an Optimised Title Tag

The title tag is the gateway to your web page or article, potentially showcased in search results. Google relies on the title tag to grasp the essence of your content, aiding in its proper ranking. 

For users, the title tag is their initial encounter with your content, influencing their decision to explore further.

Optimising your title tag is crucial for attracting clicks. Use compelling language, incorporate numbers, and embrace brackets to boost appeal.

Ensure your primary keyword is featured prominently in the title tag, ideally placed at the beginning. This enhances your ranking potential and signals relevance to users’ queries.

Maintain brevity by keeping your title tag under 55 characters. This prevents Google from truncating it in search results, ensuring your message remains intact.

  1. Create a Convincing Meta Description

A Meta description serves as a concise synopsis of your article, potentially appearing beneath the title tag. Google reserves the right to replace your designated Meta description with its own, aiming to provide users with the most relevant and engaging summary.

Here are some ways to develop a compelling Meta description: 

  • Engage your readers with active voice, enhancing clarity and directness.
  • Stimulate user action with dynamic verbs like “explore,” “discover,” or “delve into.”
  • Keep it concise; Google truncates Meta descriptions at around 105 characters on mobile devices, so limit your content to one or two succinct sentences.
  • Incorporate your target keyword to signal relevance and guide users to the information they seek.
  1. Improve Your URL Slug

An effective URL slug is paramount for enhancing your page’s visibility to search engines like Google. Here’s a guide to ensure your slug optimization:

  • Incorporate your primary keyword strategically. This aids Google in grasping the essence of your SEO- optimised content, making it more likely to surface for relevant searches.
  • Utilise hyphens as separators between words within the slug. Hyphens are the conventional choice for maintaining clarity in URL structures.
  • Avoid the inclusion of dates within your slug. Dated URLs can give the impression of outdated content, potentially deterring visitors.
  • Strive for brevity and clarity in your slug. Conciseness and descriptive clarity enhance user understanding and search engine relevance.


Mastering the art of crafting SEO-optimised articles involves attention to detail. By implementing these SEO strategies, such as keyword research, quality content creation, and proper formatting, you can significantly enhance your article’s chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). Remember, SEO is an ongoing process, so continually refining and adapting your approach is critical to staying ahead in the competitive online landscape.