
Get More Leads To Convert With Effective Email Marketing

When it comes to generating and converting leads, email marketing is perhaps the most powerful digital marketing tactic. Research shows that despite the growth and prominence of mobile messengers and chat applications, approximately 61 percent of consumers prefer facilitated brand interactions via email. The widespread usage and increasing global relevance of email make email marketing more critical than ever before.

Email marketing in digital brand success is as important as any other strategy. It is one of the best marketing methods for earning business leads and delivering a high return on investment.

According to studies, approximately 61 percent of email subscribers would like to receive promotional marketing emails every week and about 83 percent of customers spend more on a brand from which they’ve received web email marketing communications.

Auto & Manual Email Campaigns

Welcome Emails

Personalized Promotions & Discounts

Seasonal Email Marketing


Rebranding Emails

Invite, Welcome and Retain Your Customers

At Robelle, we employ a hardworking team of excellent Email marketers who use their expertise to create personalized emails for your customers and enhance their experience. Robelle makes use of graphics, themed layouts, and relatable expressions to invite your potential customers for purchases. Professional software tools allow us to manage and control your email campaigns being run on an auto & manual basis.

Offer a helping hand to your potential customer in need and shower them with special discounts for a long-term relationship to keep them updated, we prepare and send newsletters to your biggest stakeholders – the customers, and touch upon the pain points and how we are resolving them to make customers an integral part of your business family. We communicate with your customers on a regular basis to keep them informed and entertained, while you bag sales and enjoy wins that leave a mark!

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